Welcome To My World

"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour." -Blake-

A world of mystery, of ideas, and of words. Enter my doors and gaze around you. Golden floors and violins, candelabras and masquerades. Anything you dream of is possible.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Speak Geek!

First of all, I am a geek, a nerd, whatever you want to call be and damn proud of it! #speakgeek!  

 Hello fellow Stargate and Stargate Universe fans.  As you all know, I have been a part of this movement since the start.  We have had bumps in the road, sure, but we have all stuck together.  This is why it saddens me to see the movement slowing to almost nothing.  I know it has been hard.  It seems like nothing can be done.  But that is where we are wrong.
             I know this might not be a good analogy, but the thought process remains the same.  When it seemed like all was lost, when nothing could be done to better their way of life, people banned together to overthrow corrupt and oppressive governments, to stop wars they knew they should not be fighting, to change laws they knew to be wrong.  People have banned together since the dawn of man to push the will of the people through.  And this, my friends, is not unlike a bad government.  These major corporations have dictated to us what we are allowed to watch, what we are allowed to be upset about, forced us to conform to what they believe science fiction, geeks, and nerds should be.
             I know this may sound ridiculous for some.  But how long have we allowed this to go on?  How long will we continue to allow this?  How much have we allowed these networks to take from us?  At some point we have to say enough is enough.
             This started out as a network taking away a favorite show.  It is now about how much we are willing to let them take from us before we stand up and stop it.  Sure, we are willing to pay for the things we love.  Who isn’t?  But we are not willing to pay for something to be taken away from us.
             SyFy has decided that science fiction is no longer profitable.  MGM has decided that while Stargate was one of its largest profit makers, the cash flow was not as quick or as large as they would have liked and have allowed corporations like NBCUniversal to push them into a corner, decide for them what they will now produce.  NBCUniversal has decided that YOU are no longer a viable consumer group.  Do you realize how many channels they actually own?  4?  10?  No.  More like 24.  What about movies?  Heard of Universal Pictures?  Or perhaps Focus Features?  Does HULU ring a bell?
              My point here is this.  In America, in many other countries, we have this mentality that because they have more money and own so much, that we cannot force them to change.  But here is the kicker.  Without us, they have nothing.  WE are the ones who make shows popular, generate revenue from advertisements, write the checks to the stars.  The whim of the public is the tide that sails these corporate ships or crashes them into the rocks.
              So when you think that there is nothing that you can do, remember this.  It is those who are willing to stand up to those in power who affect change, not those who decide to do nothing.  Every bit helps.  Every link, post, picture, email, letter, phone call, and idea lends itself to the greater cause.
              I ask all of you to jump back in.  Keep doing what you were doing.  Spread the word.  Post on walls.  Keep the passion we had a few months ago close to your heart!  New campaigns are on the way!  We have come a long way, and I for one am not willing to let it go to waste.  Save Stargate Universe, Save Stargate, Save Science Fiction!  


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